Transform Your Life by having more freedom around money

Don't let your finances hold you back from loving your life! It frustrates me to see people staying in a job they hate, a relationship that no longer serves them or being afraid to follow their dreams because of debt, income or just doubting themselves. Money Freedom will help you go from broke, tired and fed up to learning how to combine mindset and energy with practical strategy to create financial freedom in your life. 

Go from Struggling to Thriving

Money Freedom will help you release the stress and constant worry around money. A wealthy mindset knows they can call in more money, people and opportunities. They know there is an abundance just wiating for you to "tap into". Wealthy peopel know that investing in themselves and lifelong learning is vital. 

Create a Financial Legacy!

Change your family tree! What is it that you really want? More time and freedom in your life, right? To spend more time with your kids and give them a better life! Create wealth, leve an inheritance and teach them how to build a legacy is all possible when you change your own fiances. 

I bought the house of my dreams!

"I thought divorce had ruined me. Beth was so knowledgeable about what my rights were, what I could do to build my credit. Step by step she walked me through everything I needed to do to become a home owner and bring my credit score up to be financially independent. I was able to buy a house all on my own just a few shorts years later." Kim

What you get in Money Freedom:

  • Discovering what you believe about money
  • Discovering Money Blocks
  • Releasing your blocks so you can be set free
  • Loving Yourself
  • Setting Boundaries
  • Gratitude
  • Meditations
  • Embodying Wealth
  • Activation the Law of Divine Compensation
  • Creating a Plan for Spending, Saving, Paying off Debt, Improving Credit & Building Wealth
  • Exercises, Journal Prompts, Group Coaching, Private FB Group Community
Copyright © 2021 Beth Blanco